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Santa Walk 

Well done to all the boys and girls who took part in the school Santa Walk organised by School Council for Downs Syndrome Association.

Santa arrived at Edwards 

We wrote instructions and gave them to a friend. We followed the instructions to the treasure.

We made play parks using junk materials. I'm sure you will agree they looked great and it took us a few days to build them.

During play time, we build, draw, play games, complete funky finger activities and puzzles, carry out role play and explore new objects and materials.

Stickman trail at Gortin

We went to Gortin Glens for a Stickman trail and Lynne was our leader to show us the way. We had a lovely morning of activities in the forest to explore our senses and Autumn. The day ended with making our very own Stickman and getting to play in the park.

Please see attached document below for details on starting Year 2. Miss Doherty and I look forward to seeing you all on Monday morning. Have a lovely weekend!

Mrs McIlwaine

The first week in Year 2