Fair Enough
Year 7
Air Raid Shelters
Year 7's have used their creative talents to construct air raid shelters as part of their learning for the topic of Reach for the Skies. The shelters had to be durable and strong enough to withstand weight, wind and even flooding.
Year 7 Trip to Armagh Planetarium.
Christmas Dinner
Lexi and Masyn did a beautiful job laying the wreath for Edwards Primary School at the Castlederg Cenotaph.
Year 7 had an informative and emotive visit to Derg Parish Church, to view their D-Day 80th Anniversary commemorative display and prayer trail.
Year 7 attended the launch of the Poppy Appeal at the Royal British Legion Hall in Castlederg.
Paralympic Poster Winners
Congratulations to Lexi, Ava-Rose and Jacob for winning their class competition to design a poster for the Paralympics in Paris.
Cross-Country Stars
Congratulation to the amazing Year 7 girls who achieved first in their class group at the recent cross-country competition, located at Castlederg High School.
Lift Off!
Year 7 made paper planes to experiment with flight and the forces of lift, thrust and gravity.
Robotic Hands
Year 7 have been learning about technological advances in robotics for both humans, (e.g. people with missing limbs) and for collecting samples and data in space. They worked in groups to construct a robotic hand with moveable joints.
Mars Rover Design and Technology
As part of the topic 'Reach for the Stars,' Year 7 designed and built Mars Rovers. They had to think about designing a model that was able to withstand extremes of cold and heat, had to be able to collect data and communicate with earth.
Year 7 had a wonderful surprise this afternoon when their friend Jamie came for a visit - he is so missed!
Year 7's took advantage of the lovely weather to develop their dramatic skills outside. The pupils gathered into five groups and mimed a well-known nursery rhyme or story.
Shadow Experiment