After School Club
After Schools Weekly Booking Form
Please click on the link below to book your child's place. A form must be completed weekly for each child indicating what days are required.
Edwards After School Club runs every day Monday to Friday in Kidz Play from 2.15-3.15pm. The cost is £2.50 per day for Year 1 and 2 and £3 for Nursery, this includes a snack.
Children travelling home by school transport buses will be brought down to the main school at 3pm in time to get the bus home. Nursery children can also avail of this service and they will be collected after 1.45pm to be brought up to the After School Club.
The children take part in indoor and outdoor play activities and have opportunity to be creative, bake treats to eat, play with a range of toys and listen to stories.
Being creative at afterschools
Creative Kid's at After School