Key Stage 1
At Key stage 1 we build and develop the experiences provided at Foundation stage. Throughout our lessons we aim to :
- develop self-confidence and self-esteem;
- develop the skills necessary to enable children to participate as contributing members of groups;
- provide opportunities to explore, problem-solve and make decisions;
- promote positive attitudes to learning;
- develop children's creativity;
- use a range of strategies, including thematic approaches, in a range of contexts which are worthwhile, challenging, relevant and enjoyable;
- develop a greater depth of knowledge, understanding and skills through a wide range of contexts;
- provide opportunities for children to express their individual needs and to make realistic choices.
The statutory curriculum in Key Stage 1 is set out under the following Areas of Learning:
- Language and Literacy
- Mathematics and Numeracy
- The Arts
- The World Around Us
- Personal Development and Mutual Understanding
- Physical Education