Edwards Nursery Unit
To all our amazing pupils and parents of the Edwards Nursery Unit Class of 2020 I want to say a huge well done. I am very proud of you!
I am very sad that we missed out on our precious time together but I will always remember you as the terrific boys, girls and parents who continued to learn with me throughout lockdown, thank you! Your photos and messages brightened my days and often made me smile. To see you all happy, busy and learning at home spurred me on each day.
Thursday was truly wonderful and I was delighted to see so many lovely, smiling faces. Everyone looked beautiful in the graduation gowns and I have no doubt that the photos will be stunning. I can not wait too see them! Special thanks to Sharon, who was amazing.
Thank you for all your kind words, cards and presents we received on Thursday. All the Nursery staff wish to send you a special thank you. Your kindness means a lot to us.
As our Nursery year has come to an end, I want to wish each and everyone of you all the very best for your future and especially year 1. Have a really super summer!
I'm glad I was your teacher.
I've come to love you so.
I can't believe the end is here,
How quick we had to go.
So with coronavirus,
In March you left my door,
Embarking on home learning tasks,
Growing, Fairy Tales and more.
Remember all the fun we had
And all the things we did,
But most of all remember
You're a very special kid.
Love Mrs Warnock
Good bye... Abbie Alana Amelia Ben Blake Callum Coby Ella Ellie Gaby George B George R Hannah Harrison Harry Jake Jaxon Joey Kenzie Mason Molly Oliver Phoebe Pippa Sarah Sawyer Sophie Taylor Thomas Tyler Zoey
Happy 4th Birthday Kenzie and Blake!
Have a very special day! Enjoy every minute!
Happy 5th Birthday to Jake, Sawyer and Ellie who turn 5 over the summer holidays.
Have lots of fun! Have an amazing 5th Birthday!
Nursery Learning From Home
Monday 22nd June
Welcome to our very last full week of learning from home activities. I can't believe that this would have been our last full week of Nursery together. I have been looking back at all the activities we have been doing since April and we have been so busy! I hope you have all had as much fun as me! I am so proud of each and every one of our amazing Nursery children. Thank you so much for keeping in touch and doing the activities throughout the last 10 weeks. Your photos and messages have been very special and I have appreciated them all.
This week I have been thinking ahead to the summer holidays. I have put together some activities you can enjoy this week or even enjoy over the summer holidays.
Our story for this week is....
Summer word mat
Use the word mat to learn new words. Maybe you can think of some more summer words and you can create your own word mat.
click here to see a summer word mat
Summer Cutting Skills
You can practise your cutting skills using some summer pictures.
click here to see cutting skills sheets
Summer colouring in
Summer I Spy counting to 10
Summer Matching Shadows
Summer Design Fun
Design your own flip flops, sunglasses or sun hat
click here to see flip flops outline
click here to see sunglasses outline
click here to see two sun hat outlines
Summer Singing and Dancing
Bye bye for now and I will see you all on Thursday.
I am really looking forward to seeing you!
Love Mrs Warnock
Feel free to email me if you wish jwarnock107@c2ken.net
Happy Birthday Thomas and Sarah!
Thomas and Sarah we wish you both a very special day.
Have a great 4th Birthday!
Moving from nursery to Year 1 is a big step for our boys and girls. Preparing them is key to helping them to have a smooth and happy transition. This week we are going to be thinking about starting Year 1. I have included some information parents may find useful and some activities for our children to enjoy. I believe that your new Year 1 teacher will be in contact soon with information about Year 1 and your new school, which I am sure you are looking forward to.
Our story for this week is
Talking together about what to expect will calm nerves and help your child feel prepared for this exciting adventure. It is a good idea to gently talk about starting school on the weeks leading up the first day.
Some things you could discuss...
- What class you are going into
- Morning routine
- Journey to and from school
- What you will bring to school
- Your new teacher
- What friends you will see
- Your classroom
New Uniform
We are wearing Edwards Primary School uniform. Is it the same as your nursery uniform? Can you describe it? What colour is the jumper, t-shirt, skirt, trousers, shoes? Can you see the school crest on the jumper?
click here to see some uniform colouring in sheets
- I can choose my colours carefully (what colour will my t-shirt, jumper, skirt, trousers or shoes be?
- I try to use a "Froggy Fingers" pencil grasp.
- I try to stay within the lines.
- I can have a go at writing my name (or tracing over an adults writing).
- I can cut it out (if I wish).
Don't forget to add your face with a lovely smile!
"School" Roleplay
When you are playing at home you could make a classroom. You could pretend to be the Year 1 teacher and Mummy could be the pupil. Your sister, brother, teddies, dolls or toys could also be pupils. You could take turns being the teacher. In Year 1 the teacher likes to read stories to the boys and girls. You could read a story to your class. The boys and girls do some counting and writing. You could do this in your class. Maybe you can think of some more things you could do in Year 1.
Build your new school
You could build your new school using junk art material or construction toys. What are you going to put inside? What do you think you would see inside your school?
Draw your new school
- I can choose my colours carefully. What colour is the door? What colour is the building?
- I try to use a "Froggy Fingers" pencil grasp.
- I try to include details on my school.
- My school can become part of a picture (if I wish) by adding other details (I could draw myself, Mummy, my friend, my school bag).
- I can have a go at writing my name (or trace over an adults writing).
- I can cut it out (if I wish).
Alternatively you could use natural materials from outside to create a school picture (twigs, leaves, soil, grass, small stones).
School Readiness
School readiness is a term used to describe the skills and knowledge our nursery children are developing, in order to provide a good foundation for starting school. You may find the following poster and checklists helpful as they outline various skills you can practise with your child at home.
click here to see a school readiness poster
click here to see "Getting ready for school" checklist
click here to see "I am independent" checklist
Bye Bye!
Bye bye for now boys and girls! Next week will be our last week of learning from home but most importantly it will be when I will get to see you all again. All the Nursery staff are so excited to see you!
I can't wait
Love Mrs Warnock
Feel free to email me if you wish jwarnock107@c2ken.net
Have a look below to see our most recent amazing photos of our fantastic children. Thank you to all our terrific parents who sent them to me. I have loved seeing our children's faces. They have made me smile and brightened my days at home.
Can you see your friends? I wonder what they have been up to at home?
Happy Birthday Harrison!
Wishing Harrison a very special 4th Birthday! Have a great day.
Sports Week Sports Week
Welcome to a new week of learning from home!
I have been thinking, as we have not been able to have Sports Day, we could have a week of sports at home. I have created some sports activities for you to enjoy this week. Feel free to alter them depending on what toys and equipment you have.
Ready steady go!!!!
Today's story is
Just like Maisy and her friends you could run some races.
You could split your family into teams.
- Have an egg and spoon race just like Maisy and her friends (or change the egg for a potato).
- Have hopping, jumping or skipping races.
- Have a balancing race with something on a bat or on your head.
- Have a relay race passing an object to your teammate.
- Have a dress up silly race like Maisy and her friends.
Throwing Games
Maisy and her friends were throwing quoits in the story. You could create your own throwing game.
- Throwing objects in a box, hoops or chalked area to score points.
- Throwing objects to see who can throw them as far away as possible.
Obstacle Course
Why not create your own obstacle course using objects you can find around your home? A great opportunity to develop balance, coordination, jumping and throwing skills. You will also have opportunities to discuss prepositions e.g. over, under, in, on and through.
Design a Medal
Use the template on the link below to design your very own medal.
Sports Counting
Count the different sport items on the page. You can do this orally or write down the number next to each set (with adult help).
Just for Fun
There are many ways to keep active in sports week...
- Riding on your bike, scooter or tractor.
- Throwing and catching a ball.
- Kicking a ball or playing football.
- Going for a walk.
Bye bye boys and girls!
I hope you have lots of fun boys and girls. Don't forget to shout three cheers for the winners and remember to drink lots of water when you are doing exercise.
I hope the weather will be nice and sunny!
Have a great week, I will be back next week and as always you are more than welcome to email me.
My email address is jwarnock107@c2ken.net
Love Mrs Warnock
Wednesday 3rd June
Hello boys and girls! Here are some more activities for you - enjoy!
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs colouring in
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs Playdough Mats
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs cutting skills
More Fairy Tales
I am going to share with you two more of my favourite Fairy Tales.
Can you guess which ones I have chosen?.....
I will be back next week.
Goodbye for now my little friends!
Love Mrs Warnock
Monday 1st June
Hello there my little special friends! Welcome to another week of our wonderful Fairy Tales topic. This week we have another story especially for you. This is my absolute favourite Fairy Tale. I wonder what your favourite Fairy Tale is?
Our story for today is
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs Word Mat
Use the word mat to learn new words, discuss the characters and talk about the story. Maybe you can try to retell the story.
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs Drawing
Draw Snow White
- I can choose my colours carefully- what colour is her hair? what colour are her lips?
- I try to use a "Froggy Fingers" pencil grasp.
- I try to include details on Snow White.
- Snow White can become part of a picture (if I wish) by adding other details (e.g I could draw the wicked Stepmother or the dwarfs).
- I can have a go at writing my name (or trace over an adults writing).
- I can cut it out (if I wish).
Alternatively you could use natural materials from outside to create a picture (twigs, leaves, soil, grass, small stones).
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs Roleplay
Act out the story. You could make and use stick puppets or wear masks if you wish.
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs Matching Games
Use the cards based on the story to make a game.
- You can print out the sheets a number of times and play snap.
- You could play "Kim's Game." This is a memory game where you show all the cards face up, an adult covers the cards and takes one away. Then you have to guess which one is taken away.
- You could play "Pairs." Put all the cards face down on the table. Lift two cards, if they are matching you get to keep them. The game continues until there are no cards left.
Just For Fun
I have thought of a few more activities you may enjoy, just for fun!
More Fairy Tales
I am going to share with you two more of my favourite Fairy Tales.
Can you guess which ones I have chosen?.....
Before I go I want to share a lovely little story for all the children who can't hug the ones they love right now. An adult could read the words.
Goodbye for now boys and girls
I hope you have lots of fun with the Snow White activities. I will be back on Wednesday with some more.
Remember my email is jwarnock107@c2ken.net
Love Mrs Warnock
Wednesday 27th May
Hello there my magical friends. I hope you have been enjoying some Peter Pan adventures this week! Here are some more Peter Pan activities for you to enjoy.
Peter Pan colouring in
- I can choose my colours carefully.
- I try to use a "Froggy Fingers" pencil grasp.
- I try to stay within the lines.
- I can have a go at writing my name (or tracing over an adults writing).
- I can cut it out (if I wish).
Walk The Plank
Practice your balancing and coordination skills by setting up your own "Walk the plank."
Make a Pirate Ship
Make a pirate ship picture or model. It could be any size, small, big or even life size! Use any materials you wish, junk art, natural materials, construction toys or even food. The possibilities are endless!
Treasure Hunt
Hide some "treasure" in a special place and hopefully a cunning pirate will find it. You can use clues and bury it in a secret place.
More Fairy Tales
I am going to share with you two more of my favourite Fairy Tales.
Can you guess which ones I have chosen?.....
I wonder what Fairy Tale we will learn about next week?
Come back here on Monday and find out!
Love Mrs Warnock
Goodbye Goodbye Goodbye
Monday 25th May
Welcome to another week of our enchanting "Once upon a Time" topic, filled with lots of Fairy Tales just for you. Today is a bank holiday but I thought I would share our activities today, for you to enjoy whenever you wish. As always my email is jwarnock107@c2ken.net Feel free to email me. I would love to see what you have been doing in our new topic.
Our story for this week is
Peter Pan Finger Puppets
You can retell the story of Peter Pan using finger puppets. Why not put on a puppet show for your family? An adult would need to cut out and glue the puppets this time.
Peter Pan Missing Numbers
Count to 10. Look at the missing number sheet. Do you know what numbers are missing? Have a go at writing them into the correct spaces. You could use the number track to help you.
Peter Pan Playdough
Make some Peter Pan or Tinkerbell playdough and complete the pictures on the playdough mats. Alternatively you could create a Peter Pan or Tinkerbell model.
Peter Pan Songs
Listen to and join in with some Peter Pan songs.
A Pirates Life and the Elegant Captain Hook
More Fairy Tales
I am going to share with you two more of my favourite Fairy Tales.
Can you guess which ones I have chosen?.....
Goodbye for now my magical friends!
I will be back on Wednesday with some more Peter Pan flying fun!
Mrs Warnock
Wednesday 20th May
Little Red Riding Hood
I have also updated some of Monday's slideshows for you to enjoy.
Today we are going to watch an animated version of Little Red Riding Hood
Little Red Riding Hood Picture
Use your cutting skills to cut out the characters and story features on the sheets. You can stick them down to create your own Little Red Riding Hood picture.
Little Red Riding Hood Pencil Control
Help Little Red Riding Hood get to Grandma's house. Try to hold your pencil with "Froggy Fingers" and try to stay within the lines.
Big Bad Wolf Craft
Just For Fun!
Sending a special thank you to Zoey and Kirsty, for sharing a fantastic lava lamp idea with us. Their lava lamp is amazing, maybe you would like to have a go.
Build A Reading Den
Hide and Seek
Just like Grandma, go and hide on the big bad wolf. I wonder will the wood cutter find you? When it is your turn to seek, remember to count!
More Fairy Tales
Just like on Monday, I am going to share with you two more of my favourite Fairy Tales.
I wonder which ones I have chosen?.....
I wonder which Fairy Tale I will choose next week?
Come back on Monday and find out!
Remember I would love to continue seeing your photos.
You can send them to jwarnock107@c2kni.net
Love Mrs Warnock
Monday 18th May
Welcome back to our Nursery page. I have enjoyed looking at lots of amazing photographs of our terrific nursery children. I have shared them for you to see. Thanks again to everyone who has sent them to me. My email address is jwarnock107@c2kni.net
Happy Birthday! Happy Birthday! Happy Birthday! Happy Birthday!
Wishing all our wonderful children who turned 4 during lockdown a very special 4th Birthday!
Abbie Amelia Hannah Molly Pippa
Congratulations to Tyler and his family on the birth of his gorgeous baby brother Lukas and congratulations to Abbie and her family on the birth of her beautiful baby sister!
Congratutations to Blake and his family who also welcomed his baby sister Savannah before lockdown.
Minibeasts Minibeasts Minibeasts Minibeasts Minibeasts
The Lifecycle of a Butterfly The Lifecycle of a Butterfly
Frogs Frogs Frogs Frogs Frogs Frogs
Plants and Flowers Plants and Flowers Plants and Flowers
Having Fun at Home! Having Fun at Home! Having Fun at Home!
This week we will be starting our new topic. It is called, "Once Upon a Time." It is all about fairy tales, princesses, pirates, castles and magical make believe. Each week we will focus on a new fairy tale and most of our activities will be based on this for you to enjoy.
I wonder...
What are fairy tales? Do you know any fairy tales? What is your favourite fairy tale? What is it about?
This week we will begin our fairy tales topic with the story
Little Red Riding Hood Word Mat
A word mat can be used in a number of ways to develop speech and language skills. It is especially useful to help build vocabulary. It can also help develop questioning and answering skills. Children will learn to take turns when speaking, sustaining focus and attention.
You can look at the pictures and identify characters, discuss what they look like, describe their features and personality.
Little Red Riding Hood Shape Maze
In Nursery we have been learning the shape, "Oval." Have a look at the sheet and colour in all the oval shapes. This will lead Little Red Riding Hood to her Grandma's house.
Little Red Riding Hood song
Todays song is called "Mind the Wolf Song"
Little Red Riding Hood colouring in
- I can choose my colours carefully.
- I try to use a "Froggy Fingers" pencil grasp.
- I try to stay within the lines.
- I can have a go at writing my name (or tracing over an adults writing).
- I can cut it out (if I wish).
Little Red Riding Hood Roleplay
Act out the story of Little Red Riding Hood. Why not turn your room into Grandma's house. Which character would you like to be?
Bye bye my little super stars! Bye bye
I hope you enjoy your Little Red Riding Hood activities and I will have more for you on Wednesday. Before I go, I am going to share with you two more of my favourite fairy tales.
I wonder which ones I have chosen?.....
Remember I would love to continue seeing your photos.
You can send them to jwarnock107@c2kni.net
Love Mrs Warnock
Wednesday 13th May
Parents, I have really appreciated all you lovely emails and photos. They have truly made me smile, thank you! May I ask that you send me a little message or photo, if you have not already done so. I love to see the children's faces! It will also let me know that you have been able to access our Nursery activities.
I hope to share your photos here, please let me know if you would prefer that I do not include you photos.
My email is
Hello boys and girls.
Welcome back my little gardening friends. I have lots more activities for you today, have fun!
Today we are learning the nursery rhyme, "Mary, Mary Quite Contrary"
Sing along to Mary, Mary Quite Contrary.
This time you can sing along to a musical instrument.
Do you know the name of the musical instrument? How is the musician making the sound?
Mary, Mary quite contrary,
How does your garden grow?
With silver bells and cockle shells,
And pretty maids all in a row.
This instrument is called is a glockenspiel. It is made up of a number of metal chime bars. The musician is beating the chime bars to make the sound.
Drawing Mary, Mary Quite Contrary
- I can choose my colours carefully.
- I try to use a "Froggy Fingers" pencil grasp.
- I try to include details on Mary
- Mary can become part of a picture (if I wish) by adding other details (e.g I could draw Mary's garden, including some flowers).
- I can have a go at writing my name (or trace over an adults writing).
- I can cut it out (if I wish).
Alternatively you could use natural materials from outside to create a picture (twigs, leaves, soil, grass, small stones).
Mary, Mary Quite Contrary Colouring In
The colouring in pages show the sequence of the nursery rhyme. Choose which one (or all if you wish) you would like to colour in.
click here to see the colouring in pages
- I can choose my colours carefully- what colour will my frog be?
- I try to use a "Froggy Fingers" pencil grasp.
- I try to stay within the lines.
- I can have a go at writing my name (or tracing over an adults writing).
- I can cut it out (if I wish).
Garden Hunt
What is growing in your garden? Go on a hunt to see what you can find.
Flower Finger Print Counting
You can use paint to finger print the petals on the flowers. Alternatively you could use pencils, colour pencils or felt pens to draw on the petals.
click here to see the flower activity sheets
Grass Hair Salon
Seeing people wearing masks is becoming more common and your child may have questions. This story may help explore and explain this.
click here to see the story in pdf
You will be able to print it out if you wish.
Goodbye for now!
I will be back soon
Love Mrs Warnock
Remember to send emails and photos to...
Monday 11th May
Hello boys and girls. It is great to be back with lots of fun activities for you all. This week will be our last week of our "Watch Me Grow" topic. We have been learning about lots of different things that grow. This week we will be thinking about how plants and flowers grow.
I wonder...
What do you know about plants and flowers? Where would you see plants and flowers? Do you know the names of any plants or flowers? How do they start their lives? What do you think plants need to help them to grow?
Our story for today is all about growing a plant
Sunflower Life Cycle Shadow Matching
Draw a line from each picture to it's matching shadow.
Grow a Sunflower
Sunflowers are the perfect choice of flower to grow with children. Their height and quick growth are fun for children to watch while they learn and experience the full life cycle of life. The children can be directly involved in planting, potting, tending and harvesting their plants.
click here to see instructions
Alternatively you could plant other seeds of your choice such as lettuce, carrots, peas and beans.
Rosie's Garden
Can you help Rosie by counting the flowers she has grown in her garden?
Plants Lotto Game
Lotto games are a terrific way to learn new words and expand a child's vocabulary. With this game you will be learning words based on growing plants and flowers. Your child will develop observational and discussion skills. It also allows your child to enjoy a turn taking game, where they wait until it is their turn and share resources with others.
click here to see lotto instructions
Five Little Sunflowers Song
Sing to the tune of "Five Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed."
click here for the words of "Five little Sunflowers."
Garden Centre Roleplay
Inspire your child's imagination by creating a "Garden Centre" at home. Simply use some gardening items you have at home to create your shop. Your child could make signs such as price lists, till, open, closed or write shopping lists. They could take on the role of the shop assistant or customer. Use real coins to buy items (focus on 1p and 2p coins).
Here are some more plant and flower stories for you to read.
Click on the titles below to hear the stories.
Just for Fun
Why not paint and create your own beautiful stone. You could add your own message and spread some happiness. What would your stone say? When you are finished you could give it to someone special or place it in a chosen place for others to see.
Goodbye for now my little gardeners!
I hope you have fun and enjoy some gardening at your home. Maybe you could do some weeding, digging, planting and watering.
Love Mrs Warnock
Wednesday 6th May
Hello there my little froggies! I hope you have been enjoying our froggy activities so far. I have just seen a photo of five little speckled frogs made out of stones and they are FANTASTIC! Great work everyone. I am so proud of you all. Massive well done to Mummies and Daddies too, your creativity is amazing!
Friday will by VE Day. Enjoy your bank holiday.
Continuing on with our frog theme, here is a story for today...
Drawing a frog
- I can choose my colours carefully, what colour is a frog?
- I try to use a "Froggy Fingers" pencil grasp.
- I try to include details on my frog - how many legs has it got? where are the eyes?
- My frog can become part of a picture (if I wish) by adding other details (e.g I could draw a pond or I could draw five little speckled frogs on a log).
- I can have a go at writing my name (or trace over an adults writing).
- I can cut it out (if I wish).
Alternatively you could use natural materials from outside to create a picture (twigs, leaves, soil, grass, small stones). You could use the colouring sheets from Monday to help.
Frog Life Cycle PowerPoint
Have a look at the PowerPoint below to learn about the frog life cycle. Have a look at the pictures and talk about them. An adult could read the words. Think about the changes happening as it moves through the stages.
Frog Life Cycle Sequencing
Do you know the life cycle of a frog? This is a sequencing activity where you have to cut out each picture (a good way to practice your cutting skills) and then stick it in the correct order of the life cycle.
click here to see the sequencing activity
Frog Paper Crown
You can make a frog paper crown and become a giant frog!
When you wear your crown, why not froggy jump around your garden and shout "ribbit ribbit!"
click here to read instructions
click here to see printable crown
Lily Pad Number Hop
Frogs love to count. You can make some lily pads with numbers written on them and play some counting games.
Bye bye for now my clever little tadpoles!
I will be back next week
ribbit ribbit!
Monday 4th May
Hello there! It's great to be back to share some more fun with you!
This week we are going to learn all about
What do you know about frogs? What do they look like? Where do they live? Do you know what they like to eat? Do you know how a frog begins it's life?
Let's read today's story and find out all about frogs.
Frog colouring in
- I can choose my colours carefully- what colour will my frog be?
- I try to use a "Froggy Fingers" pencil grasp.
- I try to stay within the lines.
- I can have a go at writing my name (or tracing over an adults writing).
- I can cut it out (if I wish).
Five Little Speckled Frogs
click here to see Mr Tumble sing the number rhyme
Can you join in with Mr Tumble? Can you count the frogs?
You could use your fingers to show the right amount of frogs on the log, as you sing.
Mr Tumble is doing some Makaton signing. We enjoy learning Makaton signs in Nursery. Maybe you could do some signing with Mr Tumble.
Did you see him sign...
frog, sat, log, eating, bugs, yum yum and jumped?
Five Little Speckled Frogs
You could make your own five little speckled frogs out of stones. You simply paint the five stones in your chosen frog colour and then paint on two eyes. You can sing Five Little Specked Frogs taking away a frog each time. This is great counting practice!
Frog Playdough Mats
You can use playdough to create frogs. You can print out a playdough mat to put your frog/frogs on.
Frog Life Cycle Video Clip
Would you like to see a real life frog grow from frog spawn into an adult frog?
Make your own pond
Many frogs live in ponds. You can use your imagination and create your very own pond for frogs.
Sticky Kids
Mrs Liggett loves the Sticky Kids songs during our wake and shake sessions every morning in Nursery. She has sent her favourite song for you to sing and do the actions to. I think you might already know it and you can teach it to the adults at home.
click here to hear Mrs Liggett's favourite song
Sticky Kids are on YouTube and Facebook. You can also go to their website where they have created 5 workout Podcasts.
Just For Fun!
I have thought of a few more activities you may enjoy, just for fun!
Goodbye my froggy friends!
I will be back on Wednesday with some more froggy fun!
Feel free to send me some photographs. I would love to see what you have been up to!
Mrs Warnock
Wednesday 29th April
Hello boys and girls! I am so pleased to share with you some more caterpillar and butterfly activities today. I see that you have been busy doing our activities and making lots of your own creations. I have been painting too. I made a caterpillar with my egg carton. It is a rainbow caterpillar because it has lots of bright colours!
Our book for today is "The Cautious Caterpillar"
Caterpillars and Butterflies
This is a roleplay game where you can pretend to act out each stage of the lifecycle of a butterfly.
Lifecycle Song and Video Clip
Join in with the song while you watch a real caterpillar change into a chrysalis and then a butterfly.
Lifecycle Sequencing Activity
Do you know the life cycle of a butterfly? This is a sequencing activity where you have to cut out each picture and then stick it in the correct order of the life cycle.
Cheerio Caterpillars
You will need cheerio cereal, pipe cleaners, string or wool. This is a threading activity where you pull the cheerios through the pipe cleaner until it is full. Then you can add some eyes (googly eyes if you have them).
Cody's Butterfly Cupcakes
Enjoy baking some delicious butterfly cupcakes!
Caterpillar and Butterfly drawing
You can draw a caterpillar, butterfly or even a lifecycle picture.
- I try to use a "Froggy Fingers" pencil grasp.
- I try to include details on my caterpillar/butterfly.
- I can colour in my caterpillar/butterfly.
- I can choose my colours carefully.
- My caterpillar/butterfly can become part of a picture (if I wish) by adding other details (e.g drawing a tree, stones, leaves or grass).
- I can have a go at writing my name (or trace over an adults writing).
- I can cut it out (if I wish).
Insect Lore
In Nursery we have a live butterfly garden (a butterfly growing kit). We purchased it from a company called "Insect Lore." The children always love this, so I thought I would share it with you.
"Witness butterfly metamorphosis at home or in the classroom with the Insect Lore Butterfly Garden. Children and adults alike will enjoy this engaging, hands-on educational activity, which lets you care for live insects as they undergo metamorphosis. Over the course of approximately 3 weeks, you can look on as they transform from caterpillars to chrysalides to beautiful Painted Lady butterflies."
Insect Lore
click here to go to Insect Lore
Mail a Hug
This would be lovely to send to someone special, who you miss and can't see at the moment.
I miss you when you're far away,
I'd love to see you every day,
But since I can't come over to play,
I'm mailing you a hug today!
So although it may be quite a sight,
Wrap my arms around you tight!
Repeat daily to keep your smile bright,
Until we get to reunite!
Just For Fun!
I have thought of a few more activities you may enjoy, just for fun!
Jolly Phonics
Don't forget to keep singing our Jolly Phonics songs
click to link to Jolly Phonics songs
Parenting NI have created a new app that is free to use and provides support in many different areas.
Bye bye my little butterfly experts! I will be back next week with more fun and games for you.
Feel free to send me some photographs. I would love to see what you have been up to!
Mrs Warnock
Monday 27th April 2020
Now that home learning has commenced online here is my contact c2k email address
Feel free to send me some photographs. I would love to see what you have been up to!
Hello to each and every one of our wonderful Nursery children. I am so pleased to hear that you are enjoying our topic and activities so far. I have really enjoyed making activities for you, especially looking for stories that you will love. Have you made a minibeast hotel and found some minibeasts? Were they able to fly or crawl? Were they slimy or tickly on your hand?
Thank you so much to all the parents who have emailed me to show me children's work. It is a delight to hear from you.
Our focus story for this week is
"The Very Hungry Caterpillar"
The Very Hungry Caterpillar
Pencil Control Workbook
- I try to use a "Froggy Fingers" pencil grasp.
- I try to stay on the lines.
- I can have a go at writing my name (or tracing over an adults writing).
- I can colour in the pictures, trying to stay within the lines.
- when I colour in I choose my colours carefully.
Caterpillar Ordering
This is an interactive online game where the adult will choose between ordering or sequencing numbers. I recommend that you select Ordering Numbers 1 to 5, or 1 - 10 or Sequencing numbers, counting in 1s 1 to 10. This activity will require adult support and guidance.
click here to play Caterpillar Ordering
Egg Carton Caterpillars
This is a preschool favourite and a good way to reuse your egg cartons!
Singing Fun
Our song is called "Five Little Butterflies"
Join Barney the Dinosaur and his friends to sing the song.
Butterfly Wings
You can become a giant butterfly,
by making your own cardboard butterfly wings to wear!
click here to read instructions
The Southern Health and Social Care Trust
have compiled a list of play ideas and resources for home.
click here to access play ideas
Just For Fun!
I have thought of a few more activities you may enjoy, just for fun!
Goodbye for now boys and girls!
I will be back on Wednesday with some more minibeast fun. Remember, you can email me a photo of what you have been up to. I would love to see your face!
Love Mrs Warnock
Wednesday 22nd April 2020
Now that home learning has commenced online here is my contact c2k email address
Feel free to send me some photographs. I would love to see what you have been up to!
Hello to all our amazing minibeast explorers! I hope you have enjoyed your first minibeast activities. I have been on a minibeast hunt too! I saw some slimy slugs, a snail with a swirly shell on it's back, a pretty ladybird and a creeping woodlouse!!
I wonder what you have found on your minibeast hunt?
Our story for today is all about a little girl who goes on a "Bug Hunt".
What am I?
Do you know lots of different types of minibeasts? Have you been learning lots of minibeast names? Maybe an adult could read out some clues and you could guess what minibeast they are talking about.
Minibeast Sorting
Some minibeast have legs and some do not. Can you think of a minibeast with legs? Can you think of a minibeast without legs? You can do this sorting activity with help and guidance from an adult. You will have have two leaves. One leaf is for the minibeasts with legs and one is for minibeasts without. You will cut out the minibeasts and then glue each one onto the correct leaf.
click here to see a minibeast sorting activity
Make your own minibeast
- Use construction toys- sticklebricks, duplo, lego.
- Junk art - recycling materials such as cardboard, plastic bottles, paper.
- Art and craft materials.
- Natural materials - leave, pine cones, grass, wild flowers.
Minibeast Counting in "Bud's Number Garden"
Adults - I recommend singing along with the counting song to ten and attempting to order numbers to 5. You have the option to repeat activities. This would be terrific practice with counting and recognising numerals. The activities get progressively more challenging. Please only progress to new games if your child is happy and confident to do so.
Building a "Minibeast Hotel"
My friend Bertie the Beetle has sent you a letter. He would like some help. I know that you are very kind and will help him.
Singing Fun
Our song is called "The Ants Go Marching One by One"
Little Movers UK is a Facebook page which do live dance and movement activities for preschool children every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 10am. Why not have a look and join in the fun.
Bye for now boys and girls!
I am going to go outside now and start to build my minibeast hotel. I hope I can find lots of materials to make it with. I wonder what minibeasts might come to stay? Have fun, take photos and I will be back next week.
Love Mrs Warnock
Monday 20th April 2020
Hello boys and girls!
I hope you had a terrific Easter, with much excitement and lots of Easter eggs!! I have especially enjoyed melting a chocolate egg to make the most delicious rice krispie buns! Yummy!
Today we are going to begin learning online. This means that I am going to put lots of fun activities on this page for you, to continue learning and enjoying our topic "Watch Me Grow." I have been learning lots of new skills on my computer so we will be learning together! I am so excited to share these with you.
Over the coming weeks we will be exploring....
I wonder...
What are minibeasts? Have you ever seen a minibeast? Where do they live?
What do they look like? What colour are they?
Our book for today is all about minibeasts.
- I can choose my colours carefully.
- I try to use a "Froggy Fingers" pencil grasp.
- I try to stay within the lines.
- I can have a go at writing my name (or tracing over an adults writing).
- I can cut it out (if I wish).
Singing Fun
Our song is called "Lots of Minibeasts."
We can sing this song to the tune of Heads, Shoulders, Knees and Toes.
click here to see the song words
Would you like to see some photos of some real minibeasts?
Can you look at each one and tell me something about it?
What does it look like? Has it got wings? Has it got legs? What colour is it?
Go on a "Minibeast Hunt" around your garden
Where should you look? Most minibeasts like to live in damp places like under logs, leaves or stones. What can you see? Can you describe it? What does it feel like?
Draw your favourite minibeast
- I can choose my colours carefully (i.e. I use red and black for a ladybird).
- I try to use a "Froggy Fingers" pencil grasp.
- I try to include details on my minibeast (ie - 8 legs for a spider, wings on a fly, spots on a ladybird).
- My minibeast can become part of a picture (if I wish) by adding other details (e.g drawing a tree, stones, leaves or grass).
- I can have a go at writing my name (or trace over an adults writing).
- I can cut it out (if I wish).
Alternatively you could use natural materials from outside to create a picture (twigs, leaves, soil, grass, small stones). You could use the colouring sheets above to help.
You can find Minibeast Adventures with Jess on bbc.co.uk cbeebies.
Minibeast Adventures follows zoologist Jess French, as she encourages pre-schoolers to explore their local environment and get close to wildlife.
We love listening to stories!
Libraries NI have a story time every week day at 11.30 on YouTube.
click here to go to Libraries NI Children's Storytimes
Move like a minibeast!
Can you move like a minibeast? Try the activity challenges below.
I hope you have lots of minibeast fun! I can't wait to share even more with you on Wednesday.
Love Mrs Warnock
Happy Easter!
To our fabulous Nursery children and parents,
Sending you all a big HELLO from Mrs Warnock and the Nursery Team. We miss seeing all your beautiful faces and miss hearing your lovely voices very much.
We hope you are all having lots of fun with your families and have been continuing your daily activities at home. We are sure you have been sharing all the fantastic things you can do!
We hope you have made some play dough and we wonder what you have been making with it. Have you been getting dressed all by yourself? Have you tidied away after playtime?
The weather has been lovely, however a little cold at times. Have you been exploring the outdoors? Going for walks with your family or riding your bike? We hope you have been showing the adults how you can put on your coat and zip it up.
After Easter we will be putting some activities here, for you to enjoy at home. We will keep you up to date every Monday and Wednesday.
Until then, have a fantastic Easter!! We hope you enjoy lots of egg hunting and most importantly, we hope that the Easter Bunny is extra kind and comes to everyone, including the adults!
Love from,
Mrs Warnock, Mrs Liggett, Mrs Devenney, Miss Mackey, Gill, Fiona and Becky